Different money personalities have varying approaches to money, and what works for one may not work for another. Understanding your personality and finding a financial system that fits yours can greatly increase your financial success. No matter what your money personality is, it is important to balance both current and future financial needs and enjoyment. 

Here is the link to watch:

Why Does Understanding 

Your Money Personality Matter?

As you watch the webinar, note the importance of understanding and recognizing the different money personalities within relationships, aiming to balance each of your strengths and weaknesses for common financial goals. Find tools to help manage areas that aren’t your strengths and to help manage money triggers.

In the webinar we focused on the five money personalities described in Bethany and Scott Palmer’s book – The 5 Money Personalities: Speaking the Same Love and Money Language. The Palmers believe that there are five main money personalities: Spender, Saver, Risk Taker, Security Seeker and the Flyer. They believe that each person also has a primary and secondary money personality. The combination of the two create numerous different personality types such as: a spender-security seeker or a saver-risk taker. Not only is it common that you have a different personality than your partner, but you might even have two opposing personalities yourself!

Being a spender-security seeker for example, might cause you to have buyers remorse or to feel guilt about the way you handle money. The spender in you wants to enjoy life now and gets a thrill from spending, while the security seeker in you wants to make sure that every dollar is spent in the best way possible. Ultimately, your personalities might cause some conflicting emotions but once you recognize the different sides of your personalities you can learn to put safeguards in place to satisfy them both.

Knowledge is power and the more 

you understand yourself and your family, 

the more success you will have. 


No matter what your situation is, you can change it!

Remember, you’ve got this.

This material is for educational purposes only and 

should not be construed as advice. 

It is provided without warranty of any kind.