
Partner with us to Create Prospering “Communities” Worldwide

Use these videos, downloadable PDFs and links to other resources to share about the Community Impact fund with your community and team members



About Community Impact Fund

An Invitation to Impact

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How Impact Loans Work

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The Problem: Alice Households

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Download Additional Resources

2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report with statistics, links to videos, and much more!

Example Client Brochure with QR Code

Each CIF Client receives a printable brochure with instructions for loan applicants and a QR Code to their branded Microsite.

Example Client Report

Each CIF Client receives a link to a Unique Client Report showing fund statistics and information about the loans being issued. It is fully anonymous and shows no participant personal info.

CIF One Page info Sheet

This 2 pager provides an overview of CIF as an organization and our Impact Loan Program. It’s great for sharing!


Learn more about the Community Impact Fund

To Learn about our Mission, Vision, Core Values and to meet our team check out our about page:

Have questions about how the loan program works

Check out our common questions page that has many FAQs about how we partner with organizations: