Claim Your
Savings Incentive!
How It Works
Get Your Savings Incentive

1. Save for Emergencies
Save a minimum of $500 in a Savings Account so that you have funds available in case of emergencies.

2. Upload Your Statement
Fill out the application below and upload your bank statement with your name on it to verify your savings balance was achieved.

3. Earn Your Incentive
We will review your application and bank statement and once verified we will make a distribution of your savings incentive directly to your account!
Congratulations on building an emergency fund!
This is the first major step towards financial well-being. In order to receive your savings incentive, please fill out the form below and upload a copy of your bank statement that verifies the required $500 savings balance.
Our team will review and once approved we will send you a payment directly to your account for any savings incentive that you have earned. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at